Broke down!!

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Broke down!!

Postby CloggySp-1 » Sat Aug 31, 2013 10:35 am

So friday last week I booked a track day at Bedford, was really looking forward to it as I've never been. Set off nice and early at 0500 and made my way down some backroads towards the M25. 15 min later she started to hesitate under acceleration, which got worse and worse up to the point she stalled. Wasn't happy to say the least but even more worried of me being stranded in pitch dark at a bendy hilly back road waiting for a car or lorry to run me over. And damn is she heavy having to push her uphill to make a side road!!!
Once at the side road I started her up again, no problems there!!! Let her run for a min or so, revved her a little bit, again no probe. Hmm what the hell...jumped on and set off again. 10 sec later same thing happened...WTF!!! :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:
The red F1 light came on as well. So basically she ran fine untill I jumped on.
Called the RAC and after an hours wait a top bloke turned up, well into bikes himself!! Tried several things but to no avail, couldn't work out why she idled fine but stalled within seconds if I drove off. So finally had her recovered to P&H in creepy Crawley. What a sad site to see your baby on the back of a trailer!!! F..k....broke down and no track day....not a good start of the day!!
A couple of days later the rang me up to say that the Power Commander was the problem!! With not much room for the wiring routing under the fuel tank it got squashed over time. No probs if you started her up but once I sat on her and drove off the cable got squashed and played havoc on the bike.
Glad the bike is fine but the PC is knackered, and just had her dyno'd a couple of weeks ago!! Guess gotta have to buy myself a new one.
Anyone had similar problems? And does anyone know any good websites to buy PC's?
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Re: Broke down!!

Postby sparkysp2 » Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:16 am

Ebay mate. And you should be able to get your map put on the new Pc as who ever dynoed it will have it on file
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Re: Broke down!!

Postby Sppete » Mon Sep 02, 2013 6:56 am

Bummer! :evil:
If you put the power commander software on a lap top you should be able to interrogate the power commander on your bike and then download the map over to your laptop.
If it just a squashed wire.?Do you know anyone handy with a soldering iron? They should be able to chop the damaged bits out and repair the loom no problem. I've done that sort of thing loads of times in the past.

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Re: Broke down!!

Postby The Stig » Fri Sep 06, 2013 11:42 am

Sad story. I hear often of problems with wiring on these bikes. It's important to make sure all wiring is properly routed and secured. Make it neat & tidy (cutting out excess wiring, etc - and soldering with shrink wrap) and it'll pay dividends.

If I were you, I'd repair the wiring. You'll need some stripping pliers, plenty of shrink wrap, solder and a good soldering iron - possibly some spare wire to add where necessary too. Take your time and do it well. You can probably find a video on Youtube showing you how to do soldering well. It's easy once you know how. I have no crimp connectors or rubbish like that on my bike. Where possible, every change is attached as described above and connectors are as good if not better than originals where used.

Sort it out - doesn't sound as if you need a new Power Commander.
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Re: Broke down!!

Postby CloggySp-1 » Fri Sep 06, 2013 1:55 pm

Thanks Stig....never done proper soldering so that's going to be my little project for when the weather turns shite again. Can at least give it a go I guess. In the mean time it's going to be road and track miles without the PC..... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: Broke down!!

Postby SubSailor » Fri Sep 06, 2013 11:47 pm

And while you're repairing your wiring, I heartily recommend buying a tube of dielectric tuneup grease at a local auto parts store.
Put a dab into every electrical connector. It practically waterproofs the wiring and prevents corrosion of the contacts.
Chases those moisture induced electrical gremlins away.
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Re: Broke down!!

Postby CloggySp-1 » Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:05 am

Thanks SubSailor...that's a good tip, def going to do that.
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