so.... tried ultra bright super white 5000k h7 single beam halogens and they were an improvement.
in fact i popped the low beam(on a bend!) and had to get a standard one from a garage and realised how crap they are.
like comparing a lighthouse with a birthday candle :/
i dont like the way i only have one eye open on low beam so decided to stick a set of h4 hids in...
with a bit of deft handywork with the dremel it's just a matter of trimming the outer ring off the h4 bulb and it will slot straight in the h7 holder without modding it.
result - fkin awesome. bright as fk in the garage. so bright i couldnt see shit.
on the road - total wank. 100% light scatter 0% beam apart from in the trees and under the bike.

looks great from behind though!
brilliant mod for summer if you just want to be seen, but no good if you need to see the road 400m ahead.
the beauty of the h4 conversion is it gives both left and right low beam, so twice the light.
then when you switch high beam on you get 2x low beam and 2x high beam

(compared to the hids which just flips the bulb on an angle to give a dip effect with one 'element')
so anyway i just got myself some super uber megabright h4 halogens 60/55w 5000k and have modded the mount as before, ready to fit before.
and made a new loom that plugs into the 2 original 2 pin h7 sockets to pick up low beam, high beam and common, then splits it to 2x 3 pin h4 sockets.
the original sockets then tuck neatly inside the left upper fairing out of the way, and should i ever need to revert to h7 it all just unplugs back to standard.
all im bothered about is if the focal length of the h4 bulb is similar to the h7 - looks like it to me but wont know til i try it in the dark tomorrow - otherwise it will give the same scatter as the useless hid conversion.
if it works how i'm expecting it to, ive got a new set of 100/90w superbright bulbs to try, but will need to fit a relay kit like the eastern beaver kit as i dont really fancy stuffing 380w through the standard switchgear and loom lol

h4 dual headlamp relay kit HERE
will let you know how it works out & if it's a mod worth doing or if we're stuck with the standard candles